Boyd & Glassman: Occlusion and Parafunctional Control for the General Dentist

Tradewinds Hotel, St. Petersburg, FL

Save the Date!  Feb. 21-22, 2020

(with optional Feb.23 Hands-on session)

 Drs. Jim Boyd and Barry Glassman are thrilled to announce the return of their CE course, Occlusion and Parafunctional Control for the General Dentist, that started a revolution in both dental and medical research and insight over 15 years ago! 

A dentist is often faced with simple questions and concerns about occlusion (that had traditionally been answered with confounding and complex answers and procedures).  For example:

  • How can one patient have “ideal” occlusion but feel miserable, while the next patient has a severe “malocclusion” yet be completely symptom free?
  • How is it that the provision of a “muscle relaxation splint” can cause a patient’s symptoms to increase?
  •  How do I know what type of occlusal splint is indicated (and when) and what  are its determinants? (hard, soft, combo, maxillary, mandibular, contact scheme)
  • How can the placement of a single crown seem to cause such problems?
  • If the patient has a clicking joint, what should I do?
  • What exactly is “joint stability” and how am I supposed to achieve it?
  • What (and when) is the significance of “joint position”?
  • What is the (crucial) difference between “class of occlusion” and “occluding scheme”?
  • What are the essential specific aspects of appliance design that have shown to prevent migraine pain?

This course is truly “an advanced course for beginners” and will provide the attendee the insight and confidence to make this the last occlusion course they’ll ever need!


The provision of any type of oral appliance, especially those mandibular advancement devices used to treat mild-to-moderate obstructive sleep apnea in the fast-growing area of Sleep Dentistry, requires the specific knowledge and insight that this course provides.  

 As a special bonus, Dr. Glassman will present an optional Saturday evening session “Sleep Dentistry for Beginners” with Dr. Boyd providing a hands-on fabrication demonstration of the new “SnoreHook Splint”, the only FDA and Medicare approved device for OSA that is made in-office (at a fraction of the typical lab costs).

This optional session will continue with a Sunday morning meeting for further Hands-On fabrication of NTI’s and Snore-Hooks!  Fabricate one on yourself – or your “significant other” who may benefit from either! 

Note:  Kits for both NTI’s and Snore-Hooks with a value of over $500 will be distributed to those who take the Hands-On option!


Limited Room Block Availability

Guarantee Your Spot on the Room Block by Emailing

Link for Registration and Room Reservations to Follow Shortly

Fee:  $1585 For Two Full Days  (plus $300 for the optional Saturday evening / Sunday morning Sleep/Hands-on sessions)

Room Block Rate:  $225 per night including parking, internet, amenities

20 CE hours.